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Julia Tung Yoga Institute

歡迎光臨 董金帶 瑜珈學院


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Teacher Training Programs

Yoga Style: Multi


   200-Hour Certification  (RYT-200, CYA-RYT200)

    500-Hour Certification  (RYT-500, CYA-RYT500)  

   Children's Yoga Certification  (RCYT,  CYA-CYT)

Prenatal Yoga Certification  (RPYT,CYA-PYT)   


Yoga Alliance 200-Hour & 500-Hour Certification


  • Training content include: the history of Yoga, techniques of Asana & Pranayama, meditation & relaxation, purification techniques

  • How to derive a plan in creating a Yoga studio; how to develop the qualities of a competent teacher

  • Study of human anatomy and physiology (including chakras & nadis, etc.), and understanding the benefits of Yoga, and Yoga anatomy

  • Study of Yoga Philosophy, ethics for Yoga instructors, how to incorporate Yoga into your lifestyle

  • Students will practice teaching, as well as observing fellow students' teachings


Children's Yoga Certification (RCYT, CYA-CYT)   

                                                                                      95 Hours



** Techques Training & Practice

** Teaching Methodology

** Anatomy & Physiology

** Yoga  Philosophy, Lifestyle, Ethics

** Practicum

 **Background In Specialty Area:

            ** Teaching guidelines for all children (up to teenage years).

            ** Show awareness of posture, breathing, and energy /spirit with

                 interesting methods for children.

            ** Yoga combined with playing games & singing.

            ** Learn different meditation styles with different exercises:

                Singing movement / postures, silence, & partner work.

            ** Help build children's confidence,  teach concentration &  

                encourage cooperation.

            ** Guidelines teaching various skills : thinking,communication, strong

                 relationships with self & others.

            ** Combine passion & care for you & children with fun interactive

                program that is beneficial for all.



                                                Prenatal Yoga Certification (RPYT, CYA-PYT)

                                                                            85 Hours




** Techniques Training & Practice.

** Teaching Methodology

** Anatomy & Physiology

** Yoga Philosophy, LIfestyle, Ethics.

** Practicum


** Background In Specialty Area:

           ** Study of anatomy & physiology (specific to Prenatal yoga).

           ** Study relationship / connection between practice of yoga

               with women's life cycle.

           ** Physical & psychological processes during childbearing year.

           ** Study historical & cultural backgrounds of pregnancy & childbirth.

           ** Teach yoga methods that can be used during labor to manage


           ** Teach methods of using your hands to relieve pregnancy


           ** Look at pregnancy's crucial areas.

           ** Build women's confidence about / during birthing.

           ** Changes with each trimester.

           ** Teach prenatal health problems warning signs.

           **  Physical & emotional aspects during pregnancy & child birth.

           ** Class observation & learning.

           ** Specific poses & breathing exercise for various stages

               of pregnancy  & after birth.

           ** What are helpful and unhelpful poses for certain symptoms.

           ** Use certain fetal positions as applicable for certain

               yoga postures.

           ** Chants & songs used to connect with baby & help

               with labour.

           ** Habits of proper diet & self- care during pregnancy

               & after birth.

           ** Responsibilities boundaries, ethical guidelines of

               a prenatal yoga teacher.


Continuing Education
Registered yoga teachers are required every 3 years to complete continuing education hours, for the purpose of keeping their registration and  maintaining continual growth in yoga teaching skills and knowledge.
如果你已經是 RYT, 每三年要Renew 時 ,須再教育的課程 ,以便能繼續註冊


                            200 小時 ( RYT-200 ,  CYA-RYT-200)
                            500 小時 ( RYT-500 ,  CYA-RYT-500)
             董瑜珈 Tung Yoga    哈達瑜珈  Hatha Yoga  強力瑜珈 Power  Yoga
             阿思坦加 Ashtanga Yoga        昆達里尼  Kundalini Yoga (拙火瑜珈) 
             康復瑜珈  Restorative Yoga    笑瑜珈 Laughter Yoga
             動瑜珈  Flow Yoga   艾茵加  Iyengar Yoga
  1.   瑜珈歷史與瑜珈哲學
  2.   瑜珈呼吸法 .  冥想法  (靜坐).  體位法 (動作 )
  3.   人體解剖學和生理學
  4.   營養學
  5.   瑜珈老師的生活方式
  6.   試教與觀摩
  7.   怎樣成為一位專業的瑜珈老師
  8.   瑜珈式指壓按摩推拿
                                      95 小時 ( RCYT,  CYA- CYT )
  1.   促進孩童思考 , 創作 , 溝通與彼此的聯繫的能力.
  2 .  利用技巧使孩童在歡樂中做瑜珈
  3.    配合孩童喜愛的音樂和遊戲 做瑜珈
  4.    如何增進孩童的記憶力 . 注意力和在協調中分工合作
  5.    發揮你的天賦才能 , 以挑戰性的方法來教導孩童
  6.    如何使孩童放鬆心情去應付考試和在各種比賽 , 表演方面
  7.    鼓勵和不同背景的孩童合群快樂相處
  8.    教導孩童雙人瑜珈 . 沉默 .冥想 . 和呼吸
  9.    創造一個有朝氣 . 有活力. 啟發鼓舞 .安全 .保護的環境給孩童
 10.   促進孩童身 .心. 靈 的健康成長
                                            85 小時 ( RPYT , CYA- PYT )
  1. 學習懷孕過程的身體解剖和生理學
  2. 學習瑜珈與懷孕期間的關係及心理上的調適
  3. 利用雙手按摩在懷孕期間的不適
  4. 專用的瑜珈動作和呼吸來幫助懷孕期間的不適和利於順利分娩
  5. 教導以冥想 . 放鬆 . 音樂 . 來減輕壓力
  6. 鼓勵孕婦有信心去應付分娩
  7. 注意在懷孕期間健康問題的警訊
  8. 懷孕期間和產後的飲食習慣
 9.  教導孕婦適合的體位法和不適當的瑜珈動作
10. 孕婦瑜珈老師的責任和倫理道德
11. 準備生產練習 
12. 產後瑜珈  
     更多 ........



“New power Yoga”-新超強瑜珈





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Revised: 02/05/23.